
Ridiculous Fashion Trends That Should Stay in the Past Ridiculous Fashion Trends That Should Stay in the Past

The term fashion trends can be broadly used as a popular style of self expression that is embraced at a particular time and place. This can mean trends in clothing, accessories, footwear and make-up to name a few. Fashion trends evolve over time and I’m sure that while looking at old photos of your parents […]

Fascinating Diseases That You Can Smell Fascinating Diseases That You Can Smell

Although physicians are taught to use all their senses upon entering a room to diagnose patients, they rely heavily on laboratory findings from medical tests. Physicians also rely on equipment and instruments like the stethoscope to examine patients. One would not believe that smell is one of the senses that can be used in diagnosing […]

Historical Meetings That Shaped the World Today Historical Meetings That Shaped the World Today

If you’re in the corporate world or affiliated with any organization, meetings are featured in your schedule. You’ve sat around the table discussing important matters and making decisions with your team, in an effort to meet various objectives. But how many of us can say that we’ve had the privilege of participating in a meeting […]

Well-Known Idioms and Sayings We Often Misunderstand Well-Known Idioms and Sayings We Often Misunderstand

Fluent writers and speakers use literary devices and expressions such as idioms and proverbs as they seek to add dynamism and character to their writing or speech. Though we use them often in our day to day conversations, you may be surprised to know that many of them are misunderstood and therefore wrongly used. Language […]

Lies We’re Told About GMOs Lies We’re Told About GMOs

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are living organisms whose genetic makeup has been artificially manipulated through genetic engineering, in a laboratory, to achieve desired traits. The topic of GMOs has been one of much contention in the past few years, with proponents of its use believing that the benefits should be harnessed and opponents suggesting that […]

The Biggest Lies We Believe About Recycling Plastics The Biggest Lies We Believe About Recycling Plastics

The indiscriminate dumping of plastic threatens the environment and ecosystem. More plastic is being produced and recycling promises to reduce the amount of plastic in our environment- a Hail Mary some may say. Plastic recycling allows for the reprocessing of plastic waste into new and useful products. Ongoing sensitization encourages consumers to dispose of plastic […]

Reasons Why Caligula Was Rome’s Looniest Emperor Reasons Why Caligula Was Rome’s Looniest Emperor

Just about every Roman emperor has a few crazy stories attached to their name but by far Gaius Caesar Augustaus Germanicus, also known by his nickname Caligula, was the most certifiably insane. Six ancient Romans wrote about him and his crazy escapades, and every single one of them came to the conclusion that he was […]

Bizarre Siege Tactics and Weapons We Once Used Bizarre Siege Tactics and Weapons We Once Used

Throughout the history of warfare, humans have always found innovative (and sometimes ghastly) ways of keeping invaders away. Most of the time, a simple stout wall was enough but when that failed, the inhabitants got creative and came up with some of the most bizarre and ingenious tactics and weapons one could possibly think of. […]

Curious Cases of the Sky Raining Fish Curious Cases of the Sky Raining Fish

We’ve all heard of the saying, “it’s raining cats and dogs” but apparently it rains fish too… and quite literally. Many countries have experienced the natural phenomena of fishes falling straight out of the sky and most times, it’s because a nearby waterspout picked up the fish from the ocean and dumped them over on […]

The Amazing Things Blind People Can “See” The Amazing Things Blind People Can “See”

Depending on who you ask, blindness can refer to “legal blindness” which is used for people who suffer from poor eyesight, or it can refer to “total blindness,” referring to those who can’t see at all. Regardless of which category one falls under, there have been numerous cases of blind people who claimed to have […]


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